
Monday, October 21st

Boys volleyball practice today until 4:15pm.

Cross Crountry will be tomorrow.

Friday, October 25th is a professional development day for staff so there will be No school for students.

Have a great Monday!

Friday, October 18th

Jazz Band starts Thursday, October 24th until 4:30pm.

Happy birthday to Zachary, Luke and Madden.

Have a great Friday and weekend!

Thursday, October 17th

Jazz Band starts next Thursday after school until 3-4:30pm.

School Dance is this evening from 7-9pm.  

Girls A Volleyball practice today from 3-5pm.

Wednesday, October 16th

Boys soccer practice today after school from 3-4pm.

Boys volleyball practice today after school until 4:15pm.

Boys soccer practice is Cancelled today due to poor field conditions.

Tuesday, October 15th

Boys soccer practice today after school from 3-4pm pending field conditions.

Girls A volleyball practice today until 5:00pm.

Boys volleyball practice Wednesday until 5:00pm.

Thursday, October 10th

Good luck to our cross and country students today as they compete in Regionals.

Girls A Volleyball practice today after school until 5pm.

Happy birthday to Andra, Riley, Ian, Georgie, Hannah, Emily, Audrina, Gabriella, Maci, Myles and Zander.

There will be no school on Friday, October 11th as it is a Professional Development day for staff.

There will be no school on Monday, October 14th as it Thanksgiving Monday.

HAPPY THANKSGIVING to students, families and staff!

Wednesday, October 9th

There will be boys volleyball practice today until 4:15pm.

Boys and Girls soccer practice today until 4:00pm.

Happy birthday to Adrian, Theodoros and Jack.

Have a great Wednesday!

Cross Country is cancelled today, Tuesday, October 8th